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Clay Day - Sunday 30th September. Ring bowls and/or covering a small glass wi

Jane Cox will be demonstrating ring bowls and/or covering a small glass. Jane will bring along templates so that different shapes can be made or you can bring glass tea lights or similar to cover - see below.

In addition to the usual kit Jane suggests the following depending on what you would like to make.

Texture sheets

Mica powders/pan pastels

Previously made canes or veneers - or make one on the day

Clay to cover the outside Jane uses black, white or grey but the choice is yours

Fine texture for the underside of the bowl

A credit card or ruler to indent pattern on chrysanthemum canes

Translucent clay, particularly if covering a tea light

Knitting needle/smoothing tool/layout paper

Liquid clay.

Jane found this small glass jar in Lidl, 6.5x5cm which contained a little chocolate pud. we recommend you eat the pud first!

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